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34 Ward Street, Stockport, SK13JS

mbl: 07936 824566

twitter: @networknicola / @northernfuture / @academicarchers


current role

freelance consultant

Projects 2019/20

  • Policy support for NP11 – Energy and Clean Growth policy agenda

  • People Powered Change Network Analysis of Community Business

Prior employment


HMG. October 2018-october 2019

  • Ran NPH strategy refresh process at heart of government

Research Fellow April 2015-October 2018

Urban Transformations TEAM, CENTRE on Migration Policy and Society (Compas) University of Oxford

  • Principal Investigator This other Oxford? Migration histories and inequalities ESRC IAA KE Dialogues (with Prof B Anderson*)

  • Lead researcher Exploring Engagement on Integrated Cities: One of the Research themes in the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) University-wide (PI Prof M Keith*)

  • Researcher Urban Transformations Portfolio (PI Prof M Keith*)


Sept 2015- April 2017

  • Knowledge Exchange Research Fellowship Foresight Future of Cities/Urban Transformations (Sept 2015-May 2017 0.6 fte) funded by ESRC across; ESRC Urban Transformations Portfolio and  Foresight, Future of Cities Programme c/o Department for Business, Innovation &Skills (DBIS), HM Govt Project Chair Professor Sir Alan Wilson, Civil Service lead Eleri Jones*


April – September 2015

  • Researcher Urban Transformations Portfolio (0.5) COMPAS, University of Oxford


Researcher/Project manager October 2012-April 2015

Heseltine Institute for public policy & practice, University of Liverpool

  • Principal Investigator Small Worlds of the Baltic Triangle KE Project

  • Principal Investigator Elusive Edge Project on Urban/cultural leadership

  • Researcher Future of Cities Project Foresight LCR 2065 Researcher Future of Cities Project Foresight LCR 2065

  • Researcher [fixed term] CONTEXT project, comparative European project. (PI Prof. Alan Harding*)

  • Researcher Independent Evaluation of the Liverpool Mayoralty (PI Prof. Alan Harding*)


Researcher October 2006- Jan 2013

Centre for urban policy studies, University of Manchester

  • Lecturer Urban Regeneration & Planning Theory (fixed term)

  • Researcher Soft Spaces of territorial governance. European Consortia (PI Prof Graham Haughton)

  • Researcher Networks and Post Politicscities@mcr

  • Field course supervisor, Amsterdam and Barcelona fieldtrips for European Planning Perspectives module (for Prof Richard Kingston)



  • Since 2008- ongoing Founding Member of UK Urbanista Network of Women for Positive Urban Change

  • Since 2014- ongoing Co-organiser Academic Archers

  • January-June 2012 Global Urban Research Unit GURU, Department of Planning, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne. Research Associate, ESPON project March 2010- Nov 2011

  • 2011 KTP Post-Doctoral Research Fellow University of Manchester and CLES, Centre for Local Economic Strategies funded by ESRC

  • 2008 Local/Regional Specialist Parliament & Constitution Centre, House of Commons.

  • 2003-2006 Lead Officer on Social Inclusion Neighbourhood Renewal, Oxford City Council



Academic articles and book chapters

Headlam, N (2020, forthcoming) Place-based Statecraft and Civic Universities in Courage, C (ed) The Handbook of Placemaking: Sage  

Headlam, N (2019a) An underpowered Northern Powerhouse: infrastructure in the ungovernable North; The North East After Brexit: Impact and Policy: Emerald

Headlam, N & Courage, C eds (2019b) Gender, Sex and Gossip; Women in The Archers: Emerald

Headlam, N & Hepburn, P (2017a) What a difference a Mayor makes. A case study of the Liverpool Mayoral model Local Government Studies 21:5

Headlam, N & Hepburn, P (2017b) Directly elected mayors: necessary but not sufficient to transform places?: The case of Liverpool Chapter 7 of Directly elected mayors in urban governance: Impact and practice edited by David Sweeting: Policy Press

Headlam, N (2017c) Kinship Networks in Ambridge Chapter 13 of Custard, Culverts & Cake: Academics on Life with The Archers: Emerald

Headlam N & Courage, C (2017d) Being Academic Archers Introduction to Custard, Culverts & Cake: Academics on Life with The Archers: Emerald

Courage, C, Headlam N & Matthews, P (2017e) Introduction to Academic Archers: The Birth of a New Academic Community.  The Archers in Fact and Fiction: Academic Analyses of Rural Borsetshire: Peter Lang

Headlam N (2017f) Conclusion: Academic Archers as a Fine-Detailed, Open, Cross-Disciplinary Space The Archers in Fact and Fiction: Academic Analyses of Life in Rural Borsetshire: Peter Lang

Headlam, N & Hepburn, P (2016a)‘The Old is Dying and the New Cannot be Born, in this Interregnum a Great Variety of Morbid Symptoms Appear.’ How Can Local Government Survive this Interregnum and Meet the Challenge of Devolution? Representation Volume 51:4

Headlam, N (2016b) Manchester: Institutional and Policy Innovation Amidst Austerity, Chapter 9 of Unequal Cities: The Challenge of Post-Industrial Transition in Times of Austerity: Routledge  Eds Roberta Cucca Costanzo Ranci: Routledge

Deas, I and Headlam, N (2015) Boosterism,brokerage and uneasy bedfellows: Networked urban governance and the emergence of post-political orthodoxy Chapter 9 for Paddison, R. and Hutton, T. Cities and Economic Change: Sage.

Headlam, N (2014a) Liverchester, Manpool, the curious case of the lack of inter-municipal co-operation in the cities of the north-west of England book chapter for eds Liddle, J and Diamond J, Public Management in Austerity: Emerald

Headlam, N and Rowe, M (2014b) ‘The End of the Affair: Abusive Partnerships in Austerity’ Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal 17:2 for special edition Regeneration and Austerity edited by Lee Pugalis, Joyce Liddle and John Diamond.

Deas, I, Hincks, S & Headlam, N (2013a) Explicitly permissive? Understanding actor interrelationships in the governance of economic development: the experience of England’s Local Enterprise Partnerships: Local Economy, 28 (7:2)

Headlam, N & Harding, A (2013b) ‘The Case of Greater Manchester ; Institutional and policy innovation amidst emerging austerity’ for Economic Development and Social Integration in Europe: Urban Policies in comparative perspective ed. Constanzo Ranci: Polimi Press

Headlam, N & Hincks, S (2011) ‘Reflecting on the Role of Social Innovation in Urban Policy’ Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 4 (2), 168-179.

Coaffee, J. and Headlam, N. (2008) Pragmatic localism uncovered: The search for locally contingent solutions to national reform agendas Geoforum, 39 (4) 1585

Books, joint-authored

Courage, C & Headlam, N (2019) Gender, Sex and Gossip: Emerald

Courage, C, Headlam N (2017) Custard, Culverts & Cake: Academics on Life with The Archers: Emerald

Courage, C, Headlam, N & Matthews, P eds (2017) The Archers in Fact and Fiction:  Academic Analyses of Life in Rural Borsetshire: Peter Lang Press

McDonald, S & Headlam, N (2008) Research Methods Handbook: Introductory guide to research methods for social research CLES

Published Project Reports


Comparative International Urban and Living Labs

The Urban Living Global Challenge: A Prospectus Report 2


The Urban Lens: Research Ecosystem, Innovation and Interdisciplinary Research

The Urban Living Global Challenge: A Prospectus Report 1


Foresighting for Future Cities, Research priorities. (with Sir Alan Wilson)

Urban Living Cross Council Capacity Analysis (with Michael Keith)

The Future of Public Policy, Foresight Project report

The Role of Universities in city foresight

The Liverpool City Region to 2065 to GO-Science/BIS, Foresight Future of cities programme.


The Liverpool Mayoralty Evaluation. Liverpool City Council

Commissioned Parliamentary Briefings (EG)

CLES Response to Communities Select Committee Enquiry on Regeneration /m40.htm

House of Commons Library Standard Note The role of concordats and agreements in central/local relations

academic Conference papers/presentations

Areas of expertise; urban and regional subnational economic development, local government, leadership and partnerships, role of universities in policy and practice, urban and living lab forms for research,  future of cities and foresighting methods, urban transformations, role of planning, placemaking and gender, place-branding and urban regeneration, spatial consequences of public policy. 


You-tube full lecture at


  • ‘Intelligent City-Regions: Raising Capacities for Policy-Making.’  ESRC programme on constitutional change From National ‘Cities’ Policies to Local ‘City-Region’ Policy, RSA Dec

  • Organised KE events on theme of ‘Knowledge Mobilisation for Urban Transformation, Place Based Statecraft in the Cognitive City-Region’

  • Co-convener of ‘Academic Archers conference with Cara Courage and Peter Matthews.

  • ‘Co-producing Urban Research for the Future’ AAG, San Fransisco, USA Feb

  • ‘Cities of Difference’ British Academy, Feb


  • ‘Co-producing urban research for the future’, Bristol Festival of the Future City November

  • ‘Governance of urban disruption’ for Disrupting Mobility conference MIT, Boston, USA,

  • ‘Social media for urban research’, Urban Transformation Network, University of Oxford

  • ‘Devolution to UK cities: Answering the wrong question?’ for Divergent Cities? Conference July, St Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge, UK (with Alan Harding)

  • ‘Edge/Centre Centre/Edge’ Elusive Edge June, Liverpool, UK (with Kerry Wilson)

  • ‘Politics of the Future’ for UK Foresight Network May, Liverpool, UK


  • ‘Liverpool City Region to 2065’ the Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London

  • ‘The spatial consequences of the mayor of Liverpool’ at RSA seminar on Leadership in Urban and Regional Development : Debates and new directions April, University of Birmingham

  • ‘The future of the Liverpool City Region’ for the Foresight, Future of Cities Programme DBIS/Go-Science Conference, London

  • ‘Field notes from an evaluation of the mayor of Liverpool: diary analysis’ convened by Sweeting, D Policy and Politics Bristol, UK September with Paul Hepburn & Alan Harding.

  •  â€˜Network methods’ Vulnerable cities symposium Liverpool/York

  • ‘Network methods for the benign city’ Benign City symposium, Liverpool

  • ‘Governance of highly contested spaces’ EURA/UAA Paris, June with Camille Gardesse on CONTEXT project panel, Paris, France.

  • ‘Networks in the Baltic Triangle’ The Liverpool Panel at T-PAC/JUCPAC the Teaching Public Administration Conference, June, Liverpool


  • ‘What a difference a mayor makes? The Liverpool Case’ convened by Sweeting, D and Hambleton, R on Urban governance innovation at Policy and Politics Panel Presentation, Bristol, UK September ( with Paul Hepburn & Alan Harding)

  • ‘The exquisite paradox of localism’ Post-crash cities University of York, UK July

  • ‘Not all places can be on steroids’

  • ‘Governance of highly contested spaces’AAG  Los Angeles , US, April (with Camille Gardesse)

  • ‘Soft and Hard Drivers for city-regional change. The case of Manchester, UK’ in Urban Periphery Seminar University of Amsterdam, (with Alan Harding) January 2012

  • ‘Explicitly Permissive: Understanding actor inter-relationships in city-regional governance. The experience of LEPs in the North West’ for RSA Delft with Iain Deas.


  • Headlam, N Spatial and Strategic Planning: The coalition approach one year on, RTPI

  • Headlam, N The value of Public Sector Services to the Local and Economic Well-being of Communities for The Association for Public Service Excellence

  • Headlam, N Analysing ‘scope at scale’ in UK economic development and regeneration policy for Regional Studies

4/ Knowledge Mobilisation, MEDIA & public Policy

Knowledge exchange

I have exemplified co-production in the ways I have approached my work. I have raised small grants and fellowship funding for KE activities and spoken on numerous platforms for the ESRC as an example of Knowledge Exchange across the Researcher Life course.  My PhD was a CASE industrial partnership, and I have had post-doc funding for KE activities.

I am active beyond the academy is the following roles;

These roles have led me to consider the space for scholar activism within and beyond the boundaries of universities. They are all blended, boundary spaces where expertise and knowledges blur.

Public policy 

As well as running the Northern Powerhouse Strategy Refresh with weekly ministerial reporting liens and exposure across all relevant government departments I have experience of working successfully with policy-makers at every scale from UN/WorldBank level, European level, (European Week on Regions and Cities in October 2017) through UK-level Civil service and House of Commons, with the Scottish Government, English regional tiers of government and worked for 5 years within local government, focussing on economic and community development and neighbourhood change.  I am trained in participatory methods for community development and have also worked at community/neighbourhood level.


I have done several rounds of media training and have appeared frequently in broadcast and mass media. Promoting my Academic Archers project has led to public appearances at literary festivals including Hay and a lot of media work on Radio 4 and in the broadsheet press.

blogs/journalism (EG)

Emotional austerity in the regeneration city

The Mavericks are coming – RIP regeneration

A structural hole in the fabric of the city (through which of late I cannot help but fall)


University of Oxford

Future of Cities: Best Sustainable Practice Guest lecturer, 2015, 2016, CPD ExecEd

University of Liverpool

Management School Subject Matter Expert (SME) Liverpool Online MPA, June 2014 with Lareate Online Education. Responsibility for modules ‘public policy implementation’ and ‘working across boundaries’

Civic Design Guest lecturer, neighbourhood planning, data analysis

University of Cambridge

  • International Diploma for the Built Environment (IDBE), Summer, 2013, 14, 15 Cross disciplinary studio and workshop convener, Lecturer Guest lecturer, research methods Wolfson College ExecED

University of Manchester

  • Planning School PLAN30082/ PLAN 60042 : Planning Theory & Values (UG) course convener 2009-2012 and Planning Theory & Ethics (PG) contributor with Prof Graham Haughton 2010 PLAN 30762: Community Planning (UG) contributor with Dr Joanne Tippett 2009-2010 Lecture ‘Community Planning Philosophy to Policy’ PLAN 10041:

Cities and Society (UG) contributor with Dr. Yasminah Beebeejaun

PLAN6071: Urban Regeneration(PG) (contributor) with Iain Deas 2006-2011

  • Manchester Leadership Programme e-tutor 2011-2012


Research Income (250k+)

2017  Co-investigator KE Dialogue Series Oxford’s History of Migration and Inequality 5k

2017  Co-investigator Impact Acceleration Award IAA on Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund University of Oxford  7k

2015 Principal Investigator : Foresight Future of Cities/Urban Transformations Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow (Sept 2015-Sept 2016 0.6 fte) Funder ESRC £114k ES/N01510X/1

2014 Principal Investigator: The Elusive Edge between urban and cultural policy Funder: Institute for cultural capital, LJMU 44k

2014 Principal Investigator: Small world of the Baltic triangle a network analysis project Knowledge Exchange Voucher University of Liverpool 7k

2011 Principal Investigator on Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Methods for embedding network analysis Funder ESRC/TSB KE fellowship £86k

small grants/ consultancy contracts secured (150k+)

Clean Growth and Innovation Policy Support, the NP11 50k

Network Analysis of People Powered Change Programmes in Manchester and Bristol, 50k

The Urban Grand Challenge for the Urban Living Partnership RUK value 25k

Liverpool Mutual Homes, horizon scan to 2065 value 20k

Network of Young Professional Planners and Architects  from the Netherlands (3k )

Network management workshops for local government managers from Nigeria RIPA/World Bank Lead Partner: Kai-Zen Consulting Value: £pro-bono (£1,5k)

Comparative lessons from European partner cities – how can cities respond to austerity? Milano Chamber of Commerce. Value: Euro 5k

Manchester Urban governance networks and post-politics, cities@mcr, University of Manchester Value: £3k

7/ other


PhD Urban Planning, Centre for Urban Planning Studies University of Manchester, 2011

Thesis title: Mechanisms for economic development and regeneration in the Greater Manchester City Region

Masters Degree in Communication, Culture and Society (London), Goldsmiths 2000

First Class Honours in Social and Economic Sciences, University of Bradford 1999

Certified Short Course / Skills development

  • 2018 Civil Service induction courses – introduction to public policy.

  • 2017  #RRI – responsible research and innovation – one day conference, NESTA

  • Pathways to Impact Training, 2 days Social Science Faculty, University of Oxford

  • 2016 Accessing H2020 funding ModernGov one day

  • ESRC Media Training with Inside Edge one day

  • 2014 Knowledge Mobilisation Forum with NESTA 2 days

  • 2013 National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) Autumn School on International Comparative Research Methods. University of Southampton, 2-days

  • 2010 Social Network Analysis Training, Methods@Manchester

  • PGCert Enquiry-based Teaching Practice / Coaching and Mentoring. Centre for Enquiry Based Learning (EBL), University of Manchester

  • Best Practices for Public Engagement.  Manchester Beacon

  • 2008 Manchester Leadership Programme (MLP) Induction University of Manchester

8/ referees


Professor Alan Harding Senior Economic Adviser GMCA,

Andrew Batterbee, Yorkshire/Humber Regional Director, Cities and Local Growth Unit, MHCLG/BEIS, HMG.


Dr Yasminah Beebeejaun c/o Bartlett School of Planning, UCL (PHD supervisor)

CV: Text

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